A cigar bar is the best place for like-minded people to relax, network, and interact with friends. In particular, those who attend cigar bars take it as an opportunity to learn more about cigar lifestyles, sample the selections available, and make purchases as well.
Your dress code plays a key role whenever you attend a cigar bar. In particular, what you wear will be dictated by the type of cigar lounge you will be attending. For example, while some private member bars will make it a requirement for attendees to wear a jacket and a tie, most sports cigar lounges put a mandatory requirement for attendees to wear shoes and a t-shirt.
Nonetheless, the rule of thumb when visiting any cigar bar where you are not adequately sure about the dress code would be to dress up rather than dress down. Typically, the dress code that would fit you when attending a dinner at a local country club is just appropriate for the cigar bar.
Here’s everything you must know about what to wear when visiting a cigar bar, in New York or Texas or anywhere in between!
They May Not Require Suits and Ties
Gone are the days when the Hugh Hefner smoking jackets were considered the must-have attire when visiting a cigar bar. In fact, the modern-day cigar smoker doesn’t have to fit the bill of a Hollywood typecast that singularly represented the magnate persona of Alan Dale.
The new wave of cigar smokers has made a complete turnaround on the type of attire to wear when visiting a cigar bar. The traditional suit isn’t customarily necessary when going to a cigar bar.
Golf Shirt and Regular Pants Should Be Fine
Generally, getting yourself a pair of trousers, a golf shirt and a sports jacket will give you a perfect look for attending a cigar club. In fact, this should be the most basic outfit when going to a cigar bar and will be acceptable at virtually any establishment. Remember, whatever you wear will probably be filled with the smell of cigar smoke.
Should I Suit?
The heritage and history of the smoking cigars are enormously appreciated when we stick to the traditionally associated dress code. Remember, gentlemen traditionally retreated from their offices to gather and relax and get a few drinks and cigars in cigar lounges before the introduction of smartphones and social media.
In most cases, these gentlemen would wear suits as ordinary children put on their school uniforms. However, the present-day gentleman is characterized as an individual wary of socializing in such formal wear.
Nonetheless, it makes you proud to treat smoking your favorite cigar brand in a lounge with friends as a form of occasion. So whether you will be doing it sporadically, weekly, or daily, don’t treat smoking a Habana as a mere pastime.
As such, getting suited up to attend a cigar bar will make you embrace the full experience of smoking cigars. Remember, a suit in a cigar bar isn’t about elitism. Instead, it is a moment of making an effort- just like you would when going to a fancy dinner.
Accessories are an obvious gesture when visiting a cigar bar, particularly for a modern man with the desire to find creative freedom in the strains of a suit.
Getting a pop color for your socks, statement cufflinks, or a unique-colored tie will help you enjoy the reigning spotlight of a trendy man.