Sari Jaber amongst the youngest leading entrepreneurs in the Arab Israeli community, brought many business and technological reforms to the Arab small and medium businesses. His business approach and vision has also brought many businesses to steady exponential growth forcing the local market to reevaluate the importance of supporting one another and strengthening the local market. A part of Jaber’s innovative approach he was also able to bring new approaches to the large business sector; cutting down on millions of expenses, he was able to implement technological changes that boosted the sole Arabic TV station in Israel.
Due to the Corona pandemic in recent months Sari Jaber began offering free consultation to many Arab Israeli SMB and employees to survive and overcome the economic situation. Assisting them with receiving grants, general business plans and even assisting them with specific work flows. Jaber gained great popularity for his philanthropic work and his vision whether it was through classical media or social media. In the past month alone Jaber received over 10 million video views across the network. Sari himself hosts his own Arabic TV show “Exit” that mainly focuses on teaching the viewers about investments, finance, and how to run businesses in general while hosting notable businessmen, investors, and local business owners.
Born into a family business Sari Jaber received his education from leading private schools and colleges around the world such as WBAIS and IDC in English. Coming from the Arab community, Jaber’s family made sure Sari receives the best education available in Israel in order to bring new innovative approaches to the Arab community in general and to the family business in precise.
From young age Jaber has flipped through multiple jobs starting from the bottom of the ladder to managing projects worth millions of dollars. His most recent project was building a joint venture between his family’s group with the largest and leading tourism company in Israel Issta. The joint venture kicked off one month before the Corona pandemic, within that time frame the venture sold more tourism packages than most of the tourism agencies available in the Arab community in Israel. Today, Sari disconnected from his family’s general business, and invests his time in expanding the family’s business into different fields and sectors such as investments, acquisition and more.
Jaber himself has been interested in the GCC market for over 3 years, and finds the Arab community in the recent peace deals in the middle east as the bridging mechanism. He notes “enormous potential, great opportunities await us … now the Arab community must jump on the waves of opportunities”. Sari Jaber who’s eager to upscale his community and strengthen its economy goes by “bringing innovative change to the Arab world”.