The lash journey of Raquel Adkins started as a side job. She never knew where this could take her. Raquel just wanted to earn extra income while she was in between jobs. And soon, she quickly realized the potential this side job could offer. With this realization, it was clear to her that this was worth investing her full time and energy.
It took Raquel two years after beauty school pursuing her Esthetician License, to fully immerse herself in the Lash world.
She then began to hand pick some of her clients and convinced them to become a lash artist. Adkins wanted to share her new found passion with others as well as develop her lash training career.
The freedom of being your own boss and the rewarding financial compensation was very appealing to everyone.
She had started teaching out of her little lash room at her house, then moving to the living room and after quickly outgrowing her house, Raquel then realized the need to have her own academy. Her Lash Academy opened its doors early 2019.
Here are some facts about the Lash industry.
Recent statistical findings shed promising light on the Lash industry. To be specific, an infographic titled “A Beautiful Lash Life” noted that, 75 percent of lash artists earn up to $ 50,000 a year, and 25 percent have worked in the industry for five or more years. A whopping 80 percent of lash experts surveyed in this study, responded that they are either satisfied or very satisfied with their careers, and 63 percent are earning the income that they expected.
Almost half of the respondents apply 11 or more sets of eyelashes each week and 42 percent charge between $ 61 and $ 120 for a full set of lashes. While they also express some challenges like how to attract new customers and managing their clients’ aftercare, the overall work experience is highly positive and lucrative.
Check out the social media of Raquel Adkins and find out how she can get you on board the Lash rocket!
Raquel Adkins
Founder of Satelier Beauty & Academy