Most entrepreneurs, from Elon Musk to George Soros and Sir Richard Branson, have been through ups and downs. Mac Angelo, the finance magician and skilled digital investor, is no exception to that rule. He is completely transparent when it comes to his ups and downs. The founder and owner of LevelXstream, a digital investment company that transforms lives through credit repair, Mac opens up about his most significant struggles and most impressive achievements.
“So here’s the thing; my biggest failure was being too slow on networking. You have to know the right people. At the end of the day, you can be amazing at your craft and have a fantastic service, but knowing the right people is what really takes you to the next level. That’s the truth. So I had to learn to navigate the industry and meet those who mattered,” he explains.
“To be honest with you, there are two kinds of people in this world. There are the creators; then, there are the replicators. So when I was working on drop shipping, I was replicating others. It wasn’t my original idea that I was after. So I was just trying to sell a product better than somebody else, and we can agree that this isn’t very exciting at all. Now, I’m steadily moving towards a creator model more and more. This is how you become unique and established and recognized,” he shares.
Mac is trying to revolutionize finance from the inside out and shape the system for the better. His efforts have been noticed, which is why customers are lining up to work with him, and affiliates flock to LevelXstream, asking to join the network. “I only work with people who are on the same wavelength as me and have the appropriate mindset. If we think alike and we can set goals together, that’s fantastic. Otherwise, I’d say it’s simply a no-go,” he emphasizes.
Mac takes a lot of time and puts in a great deal of effort when it comes to hiring his team. He handpicks everyone that joins because he has a certain criteria that have to be met before he chooses to put his faith into someone. “Here’s what I look for in my team members. I want people who are open to learning new things and assimilating the strategies here at LevelXstream. When you get someone who’s very seasoned, they want to do things their own way. They are stuck, and they don’t follow the processes that we teach them. So I look for people who are ambitious and hungry for learning. That’s a lot more valuable to me. I know enough about networking now and evaluating people, so I put all of these practices into action when I choose my team. I provide all of my staff with lots of training, and the ones that do best are those who are passionate about learning,” he explains.
Mac Angelo is turning the digital investment and finance industry on its head, and that doesn’t go unnoticed. For more updates and news, follow the entrepreneur on social media.