Cleanliness has become increasingly important, especially during the lockdown period brought about by COVID-19. Undeniably, some people hate the thought of sweeping, vacuuming, or disinfecting, and most people living together often have disagreements involving housework. Comprehensive cleaning techniques must then serve the purpose of getting rid of these problems.
Wepa Commercial Cleaning is an enterprise owned by Francisco Rivera, a veteran in the United States Military. He is the type of person with a strong commitment to devote his life to the service of humanity. As a businessman, he was recognized as the “Entrepreneur of the Year” by the Small Business Expo in 2019.
Despite the apparent differences in Francisco’s career and the type of enterprise he has put up, people can see that he is just as dedicated, devoted, committed, and motivated to serve others in both endeavors. At present, Francisco’s enterprise has achieved many things. Wepa Commercial Cleaning has already disinfected several homes for low-income housing residents free of charge in San Diego County. It has also disinfected city and state buildings, including DMVs and Agricultural facilities, and it has introduced the Electrostatic method, the only way that succeeded to combat the deadly COVID-19.
Wepa Commercial Cleaning has a substantial foundation. Francisco poured all his dreams into this enterprise. He envisions it to expand and establish an impeccable reputation throughout the country, or perhaps worldwide. Francisco does not want to delve deeper into the realms of competition because he believes that the way he handles this enterprise will take them further in life.
Equipped with all the values and traits he earned during his 16 years of military training, Francisco is confident of surpassing every minor setback that might pose a risk to his life as an entrepreneur. His passion for business made him refuse to follow the trends of service. Wepa Commercial Cleaning is committed to providing thorough disinfecting services to all commercial, Government, and State facilities by responding within 24 hours after being notified. The personnel also gives them credibility since they have all undergone a thorough screening and rigorous recruitment processes. The processes also include training programs where they hone their skills and improve their abilities.
Trust is often hard to earn, especially for new clients. However, Francisco’s enterprise proves it otherwise. His passion for excellence and discipline has eventually made him reap what he sowed. His people embody all the lessons he provided them to provide the best cleaning experience for clients to have guaranteed satisfaction.
Five years from now, Francisco sees his company being purchased by a more prominent company in an acquisition or perhaps a seven-figure profitability contract. He also wants to be featured in a documentary series about the COVID-19 pandemic since he believes Wepa Commercial Cleaning has gone beyond what people expect from them during the outbreak. These thoughts about the future remind Francisco of the things that motivated him: his most significant competencies that revolve around the worlds of execution like leadership, relationship building, creative problem solving, and entrepreneurship.
Learn more about the comprehensive cleaning techniques offered by Wepa Commercial Cleaning by following them on Instagram, or you may check out this website.