Showmanship before security.
Benjamin Irish, a baseball bat swinging wrestling promoter from New York who won consideration from President Trump for the position of United States Ambassador to The Dominican Republic has proposed the Justice Department indict several Mar-A-Lago and Trump 45 club members, claiming national security matters were ignored by the White House.
Irish claims that he supplied 1600 Pennsylvania with information about Venezuelan, Cuban and Dominican spy networks, banned nation countries doing business with the U.S. government under different names, a cache of high powered rockets just 300 miles from Miami, and information about a terror group planning to attack a Florida amusement park.
A video of Irish discussing corruption in U.S. politics as “running rampant” was leaked. It discusses the woman who received nomination to the Ambassador post he sought, Robin Bernstein, claiming she did an illegal business deal with a former Dominican President and that 11 billion U.S. dollars has gone missing because of it.
“That was part of a bond deal for The Dominican Republic. It could have been used for so many good quality purposes but instead we watched the situation deteriorate in The Dominican Republic.” Says Irish.
Irish will amend his first charging document to include evidence that the banned Chinese company Huewei tapped the U.S. embassy in Santo Domingo. “Motorola subsidy employees were writing Bernstein regularly to inform her about this. Instead she signs off on it and even goes out and promotes it.”
Irish has not relented in his position that former General Michael Flynn, Roger Stone and lobbyist Brian Ballard caused such a “seismic breach of national security” that it cost Trump reelection. “Surrounding himself with guys like Flynn and Stone sent a signal down that his administration was willing to work with criminals.”
Michael Flynn is partnered with Brian Ballard, and was investigated with him for their involvement in Turkey as lobbyists. Prior to Bernstein’s appointment as Ambassador, she was partners with Ballard in a lobbyist firm. The two made Trump’s list of top lobbyists supporting his election in 2015.
“They coordinated a pay to play system for felons and anybody who would raise money through the donor platform. Lots had access to Air Force One. In one instance a convicted Domestic terrorist made it into a private event with Don Junior… Flynn hocked t-shirts and hats at for Qanon. They put Florida in danger. They betrayed our country. They are going down.” Said Irish.