Since 2017, yet another travesty of justice has been occurring in Los Angeles County. A completely innocent man, with a police report on the incident in question stating that there was nothing to report, has been incarcerated in Men’s Central Jail for 4 going on 5 years. We have obtained a copy of the police report with 9 officers and a sergeant who cleared him from any wrongdoing. The woman who called them while a visitor at his house had serious mental issues, with which his wife at the time was attempting to help. The police stood around for 2 hours, fully investigating everything, and completely cleared Mr. Ringo of any wrongdoing.
The same woman who reported it that night went the next day at the beginning of the next shift and didn’t mention she had been there the night before…and told a completely different story. She was basically a mentally ill individual his wife had been trying to help but who he felt would only be a negative force, and tried to get his wife to take her home. Unfortunately, he was more than correct….She conjured up a completely false story (which she did not even insinuate the night before) where he supposedly pulled a knife on her.
His wife, who was the only witness, soon after became ill from cancer and later passed away, although he has emails from her telling the same story—that nothing happened.
This unimaginable horror gets only worse…Mr. Ringo was beaten severely when he was arrested. They used a taser but never filed the Excessive Force Report because they were trying to cover it up. They even broke his head open that night, but never took him to the hospital so it wouldn’t come to light.
After his wife passed away, they removed his paid attorney from the case to try and cover up the unlawful behavior.
In spite of the horror he has undergone, Mr. Ringo maintains a good attitude and is even working with a new Youth and Communities organization. The newly forming group, Worldwide International Network for Youth and New Communities, is helping to bring this to light and put it out there for the world to see how unjustly people are being treated. How can a black man in America who has a police report saying no crime has been committed, who hasn’t owned a gun, and hasn’t hit anyone, spend 4 going on 5 years in the county jail with $1.5 million bail?
For more information, please contact either: Vinnie Curto or Barbara Gold of WIN-SYNC.ORG (725)249-7340.