1. Get your staff involved
This has been very successful at many companies, one of which is Haven Power. We actually created a competition where the staff have to submit their ideas on how we can save money and conserve energy on a monthly basis. As a result of this competition, 100 tonnes of carbon was saved. To put this into perspective, 100 tonnes of carbon can actually fill 21 Olympic sized pools.
2. Understand your energy bill
You need to have a greater understanding of how you use energy in your company and how much you actually spend. So, start by examining your energy bill and trying to understand it. You should also check your meter readings.
When you become aware of how much energy you use, you can then start to find ways to lower it. So, for example, if you realize that you use more energy during the winter, then you should look at ways to reduce that consumption by getting better insulation or even a more energy efficient heating system.
3. Start in small ways
You don’t need to take drastic measures to save energy. You can start in small ways and here are 5 ways you can do just that.
4. Get an energy audit done
One way to drastically reduce your energy costs is to get an energy audit. You can get a desktop analysis as well as a complete review by an engineer or another company. Contact Josco Energy. They should also be able to provide suggestions and recommendations on how to lower your energy usage.
5. Think about the best and most suitable energy solutions
We actually have many different energy solutions that are made to lower energy consumption and spending. We have an Energy Storage solution which is great for protecting your company against typical power outages or other disruptions. This can even be a source of revenue! Another solution we have is Demand Side Response which automatically lowers your company’s energy usage during high market demand. This not only helps you to save money but also generate it.
These are 5 tips that will help you to save energy from Josco Energy once you put them into action. Some additional changes we have implemented include:
Installing energy saving LED bulbs as opposed to typical fluorescent lights.
We also have an EV or Electric Vehicle which enables use to lower our carbon usage while driving and going on various business trips.
These are all according to our sustainability targets which are also great for a healthier planet earth.
We have solar panels installed on our roof to create energy from the sun. This has lowered how much we rely on the grid while also lowered our energy costs.