McKinsey’s recent survey of 60 major corporations reveals that the number of women in senior-level positions declines with each step up the ladder. “If you have experienced frustration as a woman in the business sector, you’re not alone,” says certified business coach Dr. Laurie Moroco. “The challenges we face as women are real, but coaching empowers us to leverage our strengths, rise above the obstacles in our path, and build a career that fulfills our dreams.”
Exuding Confidence Both Personally and Professionally
According to Dr. Moroco, three pillars underpin empowerment — confidence is the first. She believes that confidence is a mindset that is learned and refined, rather than an innate trait.
When women are confident, they are better able to handle challenges, take risks, be assertive, and stand up for themselves. And when women are confident in their abilities, then they are inclined to succeed in business.
“You are the only person who can determine your level of confidence,” explains Dr. Moroco. “No one else can do it for you. You must first learn to trust your abilities, knowledge, and skills, then work toward projecting that level of self-assurance as often as possible.”
Although building self-confidence takes time, as women become comfortable with being sure in their decisions and ideas, the process grows easier. Dr. Moroco suggests that confidence comes across in effective communication, and competent communicators have the tools they need to establish successful personal and professional relationships.
Build Roadmaps to the Life You Want
The next pillar of empowerment Dr. Moroco highlights is a clear roadmap. Women need a picture of where their business is going, the steps that will move it forward, and what it will look like when it is successful.
“This roadmap is not only about knowing business goals,” remarks Dr. Moroco. “it’s also about knowing who you are as a person and what makes up your unique value proposition. Ask yourself the tough questions. What are your strengths? What are you passionate about? What skills do you possess that other people don’t? How can these qualities benefit your future business endeavors and set you apart from the competition? Once you know yourself and where you want to go, you can build the roadmaps that lead to the success you want and deserve.”
Through her business coaching, Dr. Moroco helps women develop these roadmaps to success. Always careful to back her ideas with planning and her planning with action, she launched a startup called Haute Choklet, following her plans step by step until her chocolate-covered handmade treats appeared on the “Rachael Ray Show” and at the Republican National Convention.
Commit to Your Success and Give it Your All
The final pillar to achieving success is commitment. As Dr. Moroco explains, if women are not committed to the goals and ideas they lay out in their roadmaps, then their efforts fall short of the mark.
Empowered women understand this concept and employ it when planning their careers and lives. They know that if they want something badly enough, they must be willing to do whatever it takes.
“The key is commitment,” says Dr. Moroco. “You have to be willing to learn new skills and change old habits in order to achieve success. Commitment requires discipline — the ability to stick with something even when it gets tough, or you want to give up.”
Never Stop Learning and Growing
Dr. Moroco’s three pillars for success get women where they need to go, but that does not mean the work of empowerment is done. She emphasizes that learning is a lifelong process, and in order to continue growing as entrepreneurs, women must keep up with new technologies and stay current with new trends and skills.
“To remain competitive, we have to stay abreast of the latest developments in our industry,” Dr. Moroco explains. “We read books and attend seminars that help us grow as individuals. We never stop learning, growing, and improving ourselves and the world around us. Learning new things is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself. It enables you to develop skills and knowledge that will benefit your personal life and your career.”
Empowerment is a mindset that women can adopt. When female entrepreneurs project confidence, build road maps, and commit to future success, they find the happiness and fulfillment that has eluded them in the business sector.
“The right coaching techniques can empower you with the resources you need to achieve business success,” Dr. Moroco concludes. “My interactive learning journeys and professional development opportunities for business leaders and entrepreneurs will empower professional women to build success on their terms.”