“Just because you’re good enough now, doesn’t mean you always will be. You have to keep learning. From people, from the business, from everything. By doing so, you can make sure that you are staying on top of your game and ahead of your competition.” – Aaron Regev
Aaron Regev, a Sales Manager at Total Home Protection (a well-known home warranty company with a reputation for providing exceptional customer service), shares the secrets to his success in the interview below.
Let’s start with something easy! Please, tell us a little bit about yourself. (Who is Aaron Regev?)
Aaron Regev: I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York by immigrant parents that raised me with discipline and love. They taught me, from a very young age, that the real world is tough and not always fair. And that if I wanted to carve a space for myself inside that world? I had to work hard and work honestly.
If you could travel back in time to give your younger self some advice, what would it be?
Aaron Regev: On a personal level? I would tell my younger self to be more content — words of advice that my own grandmother told me around that time, words that I took for granted because I didn’t understand it back then. I would want to really hammer it in. Because maybe, just maybe, I would learn my lesson a little earlier. And I wouldn’t make the same mistakes.
What mistakes would those be? And how did you learn?
Aaron Regev: You know Napoleon Bonaparte? A little guy with big aspirations — admirable if you didn’t know the context, right? It’s perfectly respectable for someone to chase after their dreams, to work hard to achieve their goals. But the issue with him was that he was overconfident. He believed that he was smarter than everyone else — that he would always be able to outsmart everyone else.
I was a lot like him when I was younger. I was overly arrogant, and I underestimated my competitors. Now, I know better. I know that humility will get me farther in life. At the very least, it’ll keep my head clear, keep me grounded, and that? That will go (and has gone) a long way in making sure that I avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.
Now, shifting your attention to the present. What is life like for you these days? Good? Bad?
Aaron Regev: With the current state of affairs? Well, personally, what with the global pandemic, my family and I are dealing with things the best that we can. Things seem to be calming down these days, but that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped praying for everyone to be able to come out of all this with the ability to keep smiling.
And as for your career? Any recent changes that came about as a result of the pandemic?
Aaron Regev: Again, we’ve seen as much change as everyone else has. For us, that change has been positive, we’re an online-based company, after all, so the shutdowns have really only served to push more business towards us. Especially with everyone staying home and worrying about keeping their house working in proper order.
Last question: On the subject of your responsibilities as a Sales Manager. Do you have any advice to give to someone who might want to pursue a similar career as you?
Aaron Regev: I’d give them the same advice I give all the people I train — keep learning.
A lot of people get complacent. Sometimes it happens after they finish school. Other times when they’ve spent time working on the same job for long enough. They think they know everything. And they might, at that point. But they don’t consider the fact that the world is always changing. Every day new technologies and strategies are popping up out of the woodwork. And, while ignoring those changes is easier, yes — less effort, after all. It’s not advancement, it’s just settling for being ‘okay’.
I guess what I’m saying is: just because you’re good enough now, doesn’t mean you always will be. You have to keep learning. From people, from the business, from everything. By doing so, you can make sure that you are staying on top of your game and ahead of your competition.