Anthony Ejefoh known as Ijobacypher is a digital entrepreneur and author of three Books Listed below.
- My Blogging Companion (ISBN 9798580951263)
- Guide in Choosing a Profitable Niche (ISBN 9798580666426)
- Social Media Marketing Methods to Boost Business (ISBN 9798581033012)
Heis also the founder of Bstock01 Media which is one of the biggest media company in Whole of Africa.
Bstock01 Media is based in Lagos and deals with national clients for their marketing, promotion, content, social media research to name a few, by utilizing their experience and managing their pages and fans.
Anthony says, “If anybody wants to create popular content, they need to concentrate on what individuals like, not only on what you like.”
Interview with Anthony Ejefoh
What is the idea behind Bstock01 Media?
The idea behind Bstock01 Media is to harness the power of social media in real-time and utilize it for various function like marketing, info, sharing, research, etc. Bstock01 Media is one of the biggest publishers in Whole of Africa and, every month, we receive millions of likes on our various pages and we reach Millions of people.
How are you different from others?
We are different from others simply as our group is under 22 and that makes our content more relatable to the audience. We hit millions of likes in a minimum time duration, that’s the fastest media in Africa.
Do you have any extension plans?
Yes, we were broadening. Currently, our headquarter is in Lagos, Nigeria and we have to start our brand-new workplace in New York city. Soon, we are going to make our group bigger and stronger. Also, from text and images, we are relocating to video content which will be a greater challenge.
What’s your vision for the business?
My vision is that, one day, Bstock01 Media will be referred to as the largest as well as the most qualitative content publisher in the entire world.
Where do you see yourself 5 years down the road?
Since if we understand the limit, we can’t broaden. The bees do not understand what the researcher believe about them and that’s how you can see them flying high.