In the first year, as a dermatology resident at the Imam Hospital in Ahvaz, I spent my time with specialized courses and treating patients. It was winter and a few months had passed since the beginning of the residency. At the same time, the house needed repairing and gas plumbing. Besides, my mother needed surgery and I was worried about her if she would have to carry heavy gas capsules which were very harmful to her but unfortunately, my mother was sewing and working all the time, and even with a portion of my residency salary, she was barely able to make ends meet, and we couldn’t virtually provide living expenses. At that time, the residency salary was very low, which did not even cover the cost of renting a house for a student, and in addition, residents do not legally have the right to work privately, otherwise, they will be fired so they have to live on low residency salaries. Accordingly, I was not allowed to work, and I had only heard about the deplorable condition of my mother and family every day, and nothing was under my control.
One day, in the library of Imam Hospital in Ahvaz, I was putting a book in front of me and I was staring around when Dr. Daneshpajooh, my classmate in residency time, sat next to me and asked me how I was? I said, “not good”. I remember well Dr. Daneshpajooh replied, “How can you not be good? You are healthy, young, well-educated, skin resident, what else do you want to be good?” I said I have a lot of financial deficiencies and they will not let me work and nothing can be done with this low salary. Dr. Daneshpajooh said “I will fix it” and left. One or two days passed and with the efforts of Dr. Daneshpajooh and the cooperation of Dr. Attari, the former head of the emergency department of Imam Hospital, a letter was sent by the university and they accepted that I work as an emergency physician at Imam Hospital while studying and earn money. At that time, no resident had a student job yet and no one had thought about this issue due to legal limits, and with the efforts of Dr. Daneshpajooh, my dear sister, the legal ban was lifted in Imam Hospital, and I was the first resident student of Imam Hospital to start working during residency legally, and subsequently, many residents who suffered from financial problems began to work in emergency room. I thank God, Dr. Daneshpajooh was the salvation angel of that day, and after several months, house repairing and gas plumbing were completely done, my mother underwent surgery, and peace returned to my life. Thank you again, my dear sister, Dr. Daneshpajooh, for all of your support during residency.