- Simple Website
You may be good at social media management, but that should not be why you negate making your website your top priority. Musicians need a personal online presence that is way from that of the social media network; hence, the need for a website. It gives you complete control over how you want to manage your site and online presence.
Forget the rules that govern Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. With a website, you get the chance to brand yourself as a musician the way you want. What social media will to is to extend your branding efforts. However, establishing brand influence starts with having a site up and running. It will be your territory that you can tweak to have every component expressing your music and how you are as a musician.
All that means that your site should include the following for purposes of effective branding:
- Your logo
- Brand colors
- The bio of you, your band, or music project
- Links to social media and streaming services
- Artists that influenced you (so that fans that like those artists have a reason to listen to you)
- News, trending topics, scheduled tours, and events
- Media gallery
Overall, the website does not have to be a one-page entity. It also should have a simple design and accessible by all via computers and mobile devices. Avoid overloading it with tons of images and media.
- Written Content
The thing about the content you post that matters the most is not what you say, but how you say it. You may have a hit song in the woodworks that you know will have the world buzzing. However, it cannot be known if you post it on your website and let it sit idly. It should be complemented with the right text so that it is not one of the unknown sounds that oversaturate the market. Therefore, you need to utilize written content to express to your fans what you want them to know about you and your music.
You achieve this via custom writing services to create materials for tour announcements and concert promotions. Content mills such as Best Essays or EssayWritingLab are some of the top options worth considering. Keep in mind that you also need content for your bios and song descriptions, in which case you will have options such as BestDissertation.com and Rush My Essay.
- Generate Hype
Music is entertainment, and entertainment is a big business that is all about hype. That is how even the most lackluster of releases and projects top the charts; they have mastered how to generate hype. You can use teaser, snippets, or previews that will get your fans excited and eagerly awaiting your new single or album. Why not buy some followers for SoundCloud, YouTube or wherever your music is featured to make it look more popular and create hype.
For instance, take the example of the Instagram collage post. You can include several pictures to create a bigger collage that can be the album cover. It can also be some cool graphics. You should share one post at a time, once every day so that you can create maximum hype and have your target follow you closely.
- Contact Streaming Services
Aside from Spotify and Apple Music, other excellent algorithms are available that you can leverage for the discovery of music like what you like. Appreciate the fact that people do not actively search for new music. They often rely on methods such as listening to playlists to find the latest singles.
For instance, you may be into techno, and you want your music heard by the masses. You can achieve this by contacting famous playlist curators. You can PM them or send an email with some of your music, requesting that they have a listen and add your singles to their playlist. When your music is ground with other popular techno hits, or whatever your genre of music is, it can grab the interests of your people, and you can grow your fanbase.
- Make Use Of YouTube
You may not be an internationally known superstar, but who says you cannot achieve such popularity? It is possible to gain such status over a short period is you know which online platforms to leverage. YouTube is the first place to try out. It is free and is the largest video streaming platform. It also is one of the largest search engines, second after Google.
All the content you have on the streaming services should also be on YouTube. People consider YouTube as one of the go-to places for entertainment material. If you are keen on getting your music seen and heard, and you also desire to grow your fanbase, then you should not forget to take advantage of YouTube.
- Get Visual
You may not have music videos for all your songs. That, however, does not mean you cannot add some visual aspect to your singles, especially if you are to share them on YouTube. You can add an animated music video that you can upload. For instance, UKF Drum and Bass are an excellent choice since they are known for their enticing, simple, animations. You do not have to spend much on the animations. You can use static images but ensure that they still manage to grab the attention of views.
- Be Interactive
Lastly, you should make an effort to interact with your fans. Respond to the comments they leave on your social media posts and the songs and music videos you share. Never things that you are bigger than everyone because you are now a celeb. It is the same people you look down upon that made you the superstar you are today.
As you invest in your music videos, concerts, and PPC campaigns, also remember to reach out to your fans and have one-on-one interaction. Such a thing will see the fans have nothing but praise when they talk about you and your music. Moreover, that will be free publicity, and it is one of the most effective ways of building your fanbase.