Ken Poirot, a financial professional, in his recent article titled – Money: Investing in Gold and Investing: Return for Investment, has mentioned that the investment in gold can now offer a return from 20% to 100% in 2021. The finance expert has the experience of supervising various investment options consisting of billions for his clients assets.
Poirot says the concerns he has right now about the fundamentals of the US and global economies are not comparable to any other times. He states directly that the US stock market cannot approach all time highs after how the US GDP plunged by 32.9% with a 10.2% unemployment rate in the recent times.
With the corporate bankruptcies, unemployment rate at major high due to coronavirus pandemic the old days cannot be brought back. The US stock market highs will thus not be sustainable. In fact they will be completely disconnected from the fundamentals of the US economy.
The economy will definitely not rise back to the original once the epidemic is over as was hoped by many investors. The market is subjected to fall once the investors face the reality. Who are living in realistic times should understand that they should not panic and would rather look for investing in traditional and safe assets like physical gold. You can even read his article on how to buy Gold to sustain these tough times.
In the article, Poirot highlights that the global recession that has happened due to the pandemic and the continuous government spending will result in inflation that will take the gold prices to higher rates. The expert says now is the time to invest in gold which will give a return of anything from 20 to 100 percent in the next year.