Domestic violence abusers are able to completely exert control over a victim. They physically, emotionally and/ or psychologically abuse the victim to devastate them. Abuses sexual and/or financial in nature also fall under domestic violence. Sex, money and financial tools are used by the abuser to exert control over the victim.
It is seen that certain abusers can emotionally, psychologically and financially trouble a victim without using violence. Some use threats of violence to exploit the partner. All the abuses devastate a person and their self esteem completely. It is a life threatening crime and unfortunately the least reported one.
Today due to the world hiding in their homes, pandemic all over the world, the world is seeing a rise in domestic violence cases. There have been many signs and symptoms for help. It has affected millions of individuals across the world. In the US regardless of age, economic status, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ability, or education level, the domestic violence cases have increased.
Thousands of people are experiencing domestic abuse on a daily basis but only a few get reported and fewer high profile cases attract the headlines. The cases are not limited to certain strata of society instead they come from all walks of life. In the annual Domestic Violence Counts Report, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) found that the U.S. domestic violence shelters and programs are assisting thousands of victims everyday through hotline calls, chats, texts, and emails.
Not all can escape the abusive relationships thus have suffered for decades. Victims need to find the confidence to ask for help and should not believe the abuse in any way is their fault. Information and support is a phone call away for victims of abuse and their friends and family. When in danger, call a local hotline, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, or 911. Confidential and anonymous support is provided by the National Domestic Violence Hotline 24/7 at 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224.