When you are financially challenged, it’s almost impossible to avoid debt. However, many people don’t use debt correctly or simply take it for the wrong reasons, which will soon haunt them. Worst case scenario, they don’t have a clear plan to complete the repayment plan and end up skipping or avoiding payment.
If this is you, then you are in the right place. With the help and guidance of this piece, you will have a clear idea of the Government programs in the UK that will help you deal with debt effectively. So if you want to change your financial situation, read on to discover more about managing debt.
1. Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVS)
The whole idea of IVS is to help you strike a deal with lenders using the help of an insolvency expert to ensure you make sound decisions. Individual Voluntary Arrangments will help you compile all your debts so that you can have one monthly payment plan to help you quickly wipe out the debt.
The standard repayment period always ranges up to 5 years which is convenient for many borrowers. This is a great idea to ensure that while you are paying off debts, you don’t become bankrupt or face any other challenge you might not easily manage. However, if you are still determining about this initiative, you can always inquire to ensure everything goes as planned.
2. StepChange Debt Charity
If you are after a professional debt management plan, StepChange should be your go-to place as it has the remedy for your financial needs. This lending organisation provides free debt advice and support to save you from financial errors and incontinence that might take years to fix.
On top of that, StepChange only requires you to be upfront and honest about your financial situation, and they will assist you using the proper technique you will appreciate. However, you might only get the assistance you need if you provide accurate information regarding your financial situation.
3. Debt Consolidation Loans
The ability to consolidate all your debt into one loan and use a monthly repayment plan that will help you clear the loan quickly is a game changer. You simply need to secure an alternative loan to help you pay other loans to provide relief for a certain period. This also means you will pay reduced interest rates to help you cover the situation.
However, it can be a nightmare if you don’t have a good credit score or have skipped and disregarded your repayment plan. That means you will have to pay extra fees, which will cost you more than you would have initially paid. This means you need to be keen as you enter the agreement and ensure you see advice from a professional before taking this plan.
4. Debt Relief Order(DRO)
DRO is another incredible UK Government initiative to ensure debtors receive all the financial support they need. Ideally, this initiative is tailored to cater to UK residents with minimal assets and low salaries to overcome their debt and become financially free. While it’s a natural alternative to bankruptcy, it also acts as a pathway to a cost-efficient solution designed to help.
Moreover, it accepts individuals who meet specifically designed criteria, after which it freezes debts for twelve months. From there, the obligations will be disregarded to give debtors a new financial beginning to foster clarity and financial independence. It makes it one of the best financial choices UK citizens can make.
5. Citizens Advice
Another valuable financial resource designed for UK residents is Citizens Advice which offers exclusive and free advice regarding budgeting, debt and investment to help you shape your financial goals. They also allow users to navigate loan terms and conditions so that they understand what you are getting themselves into.
However, you must provide the correct financial information to get quality assistance. If you do, you will get misinformed ideas based on the wrong information you availed. With Citizens Advice, you will also learn how to negotiate with lenders to get better loan deals with low-interest rates.
6. Breaking Space Scheme
Understanding that particular debt can be hard to bear; the UK government has a Breaking Space Scheme that ensures you take debts with better repayment plans. Moreover, it allows for not paying the debt for a certain amount of time, up to 60 days upon application, freeing fees and interest rates. This provides a platform to seek financial help or advice to ensure you come back stronger and well-prepared to clear the debt.
In Conclusion
Many financial benefits come from having the right debt management mindset and planning to avoid inconveniences. An excellent debt management strategy will ensure you have a clear idea of what to do with your loan and how you will repay it in time. However, if you are stuck and need assistance, Government initiatives such as Debt Relief Orders or Individual Voluntary Arrangements are there to save the day.